The ArmoTec macrofiber is a high tensile strength macrofiber made of polypropylene for static concrete.
But what does this mean, and how can these tiny fibers match the strength of steel?
You’ve probably heard that spider silk is so strong that if we could make a thread as thick as a finger from it, it could support a Boeing 747 airplane.
The ArmoTec macrofiber we distribute functions similarly to spider silk.

These tiny thin fibers (0.8 mm thick and 40 mm long) are made of polypropylene, which provides extremely high tensile strength even for a single macrofiber.
We mix a few kilograms of these into one cubic meter of concrete.
1 kg of ArmoTec contains more than 50,000 small fibers.
Can you imagine that if each of these fibers has a significant tensile strength (capable of bearing up to 8 kg), then how much can 50,000 fibers bear? 400 tons!
Yes, this is distributed within 1 m3 of concrete, but it’s still an elemental force, isn’t it?
With a dosage of 3 kg/m3, 150,000 fibers are added to one cubic meter of concrete. This incredible combined strength, distributed in three dimensions within the concrete, results in a composite material that is nearly impossible to break apart.
How are ArmoTec fibers used in concrete construction?
They simply mix it into the fresh concrete and it’s ready. You can find an infographic on the mixing process by clicking on the text.
After this, you’ll surely have no doubt that with ArmoTec, you can create concrete at home that not only equals concrete reinforced with steel mesh but surpasses it in many aspects.