ArmoTec 40 mm structural macro fiber 1 kg/package as a replacement for rebar


ArmoTec Price – 9,99 EUR/kg

Concrete reinforcing structural macro fibre (fibre) 40 mm, 1 kg/pack.

Maximum 2 packages of 1 kg can be ordered. If you need a larger quantity, please add 3 kg packages to your cart.

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Category: SKU: at40-1


The ArmoTec is a high-performance structural macrofiber (fiber) that can replace rebar.

You can substitute rebar mesh with it in concrete applications where the primary purpose of the mesh is to prevent cracking and distribute loads.

Concrete macrofiber, commonly referred to as fiber, can be used as a replacement for rebar mesh in the following applications:

  • Slab foundations for lightweight houses
  • Driveways
  • Base concrete
  • Floor screeds
  • Sidewalks
  • Ground-level stairs
  • Pavilions
  • Paving concrete
  • Filling formwork blocks (if not serving as retaining walls)

Advantages of fiber-reinforced concrete:

  • 3D reinforcement.
  • No shrinkage cracks.
  • Much faster execution.
  • Safe working conditions.
  • Easy transportation — 40 packages of ArmoTec replace 500 kg of rebar.
  • Simple handling.
  • Non-corrosive.
  • Easy to drill without breaking the drill.
  • Significantly cheaper than rebar mesh.
  • Much smaller ecological footprint.



Calculate in 1 minute how much fiber reinforcement you need and how much you can save compared to rebar mesh.


Using less than the recommended dosage significantly reduces effectiveness. Adding fewer macrofibers to concrete than necessary is like skimping on cement to save costs—it compromises the quality of the concrete.

You might encounter recommendations of 1–2 kg/m³ dosage. If you see this, a warning bell should ring in your head! No macrofiber is superior enough to replace rebar mesh with a 1–2 kg dosage. Replacing mesh is only achievable with the correct dosage.

Macrofiber Mixing Instructions

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Weight 1 kg