These mistakes frequently occur during concrete pouring. You can already avoid them.
With fiber-reinforced concrete, you can achieve much more durable results and even save your wallet, but let’s first look at the possible mistakes that can occur during concrete pouring, which you will already avoid.
Overwatering the concrete
We encounter this problem most often. It is generally committed during concrete pouring to obtain a more plastic concrete, making it easier to work with. However, the issue with this is that it changes the water-cement ratio, resulting in poor-quality concrete.
The characteristic problem of overwatered concrete is surface dusting. But what does this mean? Many of us have encountered the phenomenon of the concrete surface beginning to dust. We sweep away the dust, but sadly, the same situation repeats itself the next day. We sweep again. A few weeks later—when we are already tired of constantly sweeping—even small pebbles start coming out of the surface. A couple of years go by, and we have swept the entire concrete structure away.
You can prevent overwatering of concrete not only by using less water but also with Vip-Rex SF superplasticizer. By using Vip-Rex SF, the water content can be halved while still making your concrete much more plastic.
This superb Hungarian-developed additive is so economical that only a single liter is needed for one cubic meter of concrete. The result is not only much less water consumption but also concrete that is much easier to work with, much denser and stronger end result, and moreover, you have also avoided the risks associated with overwatering.
Contaminated sandy gravel (or aggregate)
If we use contaminated aggregate, it will have numerous harmful consequences.
- The concrete dusts off.
- Cracks form.
- It lacks proper strength.
- The concrete collapses during pouring.
I know, it’s not easy to pay attention to this, but it’s worth inquiring about the gravel pit before sourcing the aggregate.
The use of an inadequate amount of cement.
Using too much or too little cement is not good either. When you use too much cement, not only does your wallet suffer when you have to go back to the store for more because it ran out, but also when you have to fix the flaws in the concrete structure. Excessive cement can also result in surface dusting and cracking.
On the other hand, using too little cement results in a weak concrete structure, which, at best, only shows up as surface dusting, and at worst, you may have to demolish the entire thing.
I’m writing about the proper proportions here: Concrete mixing ratios
Skipping or improperly performing concrete finishing and compacting
If the concrete is not properly compacted, air voids remain within the structure, resulting in a weaker structure. Compaction is usually carried out using a hand compactor or a vibrator for more fluid consistency concrete. The task is to expel the air from the concrete and obtain a truly homogeneous, compact structure. The Vip-Rex SF is also a remedy for this problem because this superplasticizer, when dosed with the appropriate amount of cement, can virtually make our concrete self-compacting.
Failure to smooth the surface leaves it open, allowing precipitation to easily penetrate the concrete structure and initiate rapid corrosion. The freeze-thaw cycle, minerals that enter the structure through small cracks, and carbon dioxide quickly deteriorate the concrete.
Failure to replenish water, leading to drying out and burning.
During the curing process, concrete consumes water. The water added during mixing is not always sufficient for the complete curing process. Therefore, post-treatment is important to ensure moisture on the concrete surface and protect it from excessive evaporation. This is one of the most common mistakes in concrete pouring.
If these mistakes occur during concrete pouring, no matter what you put into it, the end result won’t be good.
By using Vip-Rex SF superplasticizer, you can significantly reduce the risk of neglecting post-treatment.
However, if you pay attention to these aspects and reinforce the concrete with fibers to make it truly durable, you can not only forget about the hassle of using concrete reinforcement mesh but also save your wallet. Use ArmoTec macro synthetic fibers instead of concrete reinforcement mesh for these jobs.
- Assembly concrete
- Floor slab concrete
- Slab foundation
- Sidewalk concrete
- Pavement concrete
- Driveway concrete
- Pergola concrete
- Ground-level staircase concrete
Common mistakes during concrete pouring no longer pose a threat to you.
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In this article, I discuss the advantages of using structural concrete with macro synthetic fibers over traditional steel mesh reinforcement: The benefits of fiber-reinforced concrete..
Levente Siposs
Renovation Expert
Dedicated Advocate of Long-lasting Solutions