There are several conditions for creating perfect frost-resistant concrete:
- High-quality raw materials
- Proper mixing ratio
- Suitable base surface
- Correct curing process
- Weather conditions suitable for concreting
- Compaction
- Good additives
All of these factors influence the final strength and durability of our concrete, so if any of them are not executed properly, the result could be a serious failure.
Fixing mistakes made during concreting often costs more than getting it right the first time.
We wrote about mixing ratios here: Concrete Mixing Ratios: Gravel-Cement-Water
By using the VIP-REX SF superplasticizer, you can eliminate numerous risk factors.
If you’re using additives, you’re probably not concreting like this: four shovels of gravel, one shovel of cement, plenty of water to make it easy to work with, and that’s it!
Since you’re visiting our site, I’m sure that creating high-quality, durable frost-resistant concrete is important to you, and you don’t want to cut corners.
The VIP-REX SF superplasticizer primarily offers these advantages:
- Denser Concrete: Results in greater strength and longer lifespan, as moisture penetrates the structure less.
- Increased Abrasion Resistance: Due to the denser structure.
- Extended Lifespan: Requires less maintenance.
- Reduced Water Requirement: Less water needed for the concrete, decreasing the tendency for cracking.
- Highly Malleable: Can be used for self-leveling or self-compacting concrete.
- Longer Workability Time: The concrete doesn’t set as quickly, giving you more time to work with it.
- Easier Smoothing: Achieves a smoother finish and a more aesthetically pleasing result.
Using VIP-REX SF is incredibly simple.
It should be added to the concrete mix at a ratio of 0.2 – 0.3% relative to the weight of the cement, measured in milliliters. Overdosing is prohibited!
For one cubic meter of C16 concrete, approximately 200 kg of cement is required. 0.3% of 200 kg is 0.6 kg, which means you’ll need just over half a liter of VIP-REX SF for one cubic meter of C16 concrete.
It requires an incredibly small amount, making it very cost-effective.
If you’re making stronger concrete, you will naturally need to add more superplasticizer.
Important! With the use of VIP-REX SF, the amount of mixing water should be reduced by half!
In a one-wheelbarrow mixer, use a maximum of 4-6 liters of water instead of the usual 10-12 liters. Start by adding around 20 ml of VIP-REX SF, and then, depending on the workability, you can increase it up to a maximum of 40 ml.
Once you achieve the ideal consistency for the concrete, just repeat the process.
If you’re using bagged screed, it contains approximately the same amount of cement. So, for a one-wheelbarrow mixer, use 2.5 bags of 40 kg screed or 4 bags of 25 kg. Dry concrete contains slightly more cement as it is generally C20, so you’ll need to add a bit more VIP-REX SF in that case.
It is available in a 1-liter container, so it’s a good idea to also get a 50-milliliter syringe for easier measurement.
You can order VIP-REX SF by clicking here.
Don’t forget to mix ArmoTec into the concrete if you want to replace the rebar mesh!